The business activities conducted by TAISEI TECHNO CO.,Ltd.

Croissant speciality shops “27LAYERS ”・
Laundrette “Fuwari”

To make effective use of the residual gas for the local people, we opened croissant speciality shops that uses gas oven, and disaster-responsive laundrette.


Croissant speciality shops “27LAYERS”

In June 2020, we opened our first croissant speciality shops in Nagaizumi, Shizuoka. All the recipes are in-house development, and all the materials of the products are strictly selected in-house. As for the production method, we stick to the quality rather than quantity, so we are happy if you understand that the number of daily sales of the item is limited.

Although mini-croissant is popular in Japan, we decided to handle 27 layers croissant as a result of examination on the taste, state of layers and size to let our customers understand the real croissant.

The texture is “crispy ” outside and “soft ” inside, with rich aroma of butter, and cross-section is beautiful like beehive so that the product is fun to look. So we are happy if you enjoy our delicious croissants.

See the official website.filter_none
コインランドリー Fuwari
コインランドリー Fuwari
コインランドリー Fuwari

Laundrette “Fuwari”

The laundrette “Fuwari” business started after the importance of laundry in the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake.

By combining disaster-resistant LP gas with the laundry necessity in the event of a disaster, we opened the nation’s first disaster-response laundry.

The disaster-response laundry is a facility that can operate even if all lifelines (water, electricity, gas) are cut off.
The facility operates even during normal times while securing 4 tons of water at all times. Electricity is generated by a private generator (25KVA) that runs by LP gas, and it is possible to supply power to mobile phones as well as to operate washing machines and dryers. Gas can be supplied in highly portable cylinders, so even in the event of a disaster, it is possible to continue supplying gas by replacing the cylinders.

GHP(Gas Heat Pump), which uses LP gas, is used for air conditioning, and in the event of a disaster, it is possible to keep cool in the summer and warm in the winter. We are happy if the facility contributes to the people living in the community area not only in normal life but also in case of disaster.

In March 2021, we signed a disaster agreement with Nagaizumi Town regarding laundry in the event of a disaster.

See the official website.filter_none