We, Taisei Kouatsu Co.,Ltd., consider the protection of personal information to be both a legal obligation and a social responsibility. Therefore, we have established the following Privacy Policy and strive to handle personal information appropriately.

Compliance with Laws

Taisei Kouatsu Co.,Ltd. complies with the Personal Information Protection Law, relevant laws, and guidelines related to the handling of personal information.

Collection of Personal Information

When collecting personal information, Taisei Kouatsu Co.,Ltd. will clearly specify the purpose of use through public disclosure or notification to the individual. If there is a change in the purpose of use of the provided personal information, we will disclose the revised purpose or notify the individual concerned.

Purpose of Use of Personal Information

Taisei Kouatsu Co.,Ltd. will use the personal information provided by you for the following purposes.

(1)To respond to customer requests and inquiries, and provide information.
(2)To contact and provide information regarding bulk waste processing requests.
(3)To contact and provide information to customers who have applied for factory tours.
(4)To contact customers who wish to receive information about new products, services, etc.

Management and Protection of Personal Information

We will appropriately manage the personal information provided and strive to prevent leakage, loss, etc. Additionally, we implement security measures against risks such as unauthorized access, destruction, alteration, etc., to protect personal information.

Use of Personal Information

Taisei Kouatsu Co.,Ltd. will not handle personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use without the consent of the individual concerned.

Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

Taisei Kouatsu Co.,Ltd. will not disclose or provide personal information to third parties other than entrusted business partners without the consent of the individual concerned, except as required by law.

Disclosure, Correction, etc., of Personal Information

If there is a request for disclosure, correction, etc., of personal information, we will respond within a necessary and reasonable range after confirming that the request is from the individual or their authorized representative.

Contact Information for Inquiries Regarding Personal Information

291-1 Honjuku, Nagaizumi-cho, Sunto-gun, Shizuoka 411-0945, Japan
Taisei Kouatsu Co.,Ltd.
Shirasuna Nobuyuki